Professor Encourages Students to File ‘Bias Reports’ if They Hear Someone Say ‘Chinese Virus’

by Clay Robinson


A professor at the University of Nevada, Reno encourages students and faculty to file bias reports to combat “coronavirus” racism.

President Donald Trump recently referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” at a press briefing saying, “It’s not racist at all.” Trump began using the term “Chinese virus” after China attempted to blame the U.S. military for the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.

Nicole Jacobs, associate dean of diversity and inclusion at the University of Nevada, Reno published an article on the university’s website, encouraging readers to combat “coronavirus racism.” According to Jacobs, Americans need to “ARISE” to become an “active bystander” and oppose “act[s] of racism and bias.” To Jacobs, this also includes comments like “Chinese virus.”

Jacobs instructs readers to “approach the source of bias with questions” like “why did you call it the Chinese virus” and respond with ‘I’ statements like ‘I am not okay with you referring to this as the Chinese virus’.

In addition, Jacobs also encourages readers to educate others that “we no longer name viruses after places.”

She then asks others to help those who hear the term “Chinese virus” “debrief” after what she calls an “act of racism.”

“You can be an ally by validating their response and affirming that what happened to them was unacceptable. For example, you may say, ‘I’m so sorry you had to experience that. That comment was so wrong! No one deserves to be treated that way.’ Offering your support can be very helpful to victims of racism, such as by saying, ‘I’m here for you. Let me know how I can help.'”

Jacobs encourages anyone who hears another person use the term “Chinese virus” to file a “Bias Incident Report.”

Similar Bias Reporting Systems have come under legal scrutiny in recent months. Speech First President Nicole Neily filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan, which resulted in the university agreeing to change certain parts of its speech code as well as replacing its Bias Assessment Response Team with a separate system, called the Campus Climate Support system, which “cannot enforce discipline” on students.

Jacobs did not respond to Campus Reform’s request for comment in time of publication.

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Clay Robinson is an Arizona Campus Correspondent at
Photo “Nicole Jacobs” by University of Nevada-Reno.








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17 Thoughts to “Professor Encourages Students to File ‘Bias Reports’ if They Hear Someone Say ‘Chinese Virus’”

  1. Casey

    You’re not OK with the term Chinese virus? I don’t give a Chinese wet market rat’s ass what you’re OK with snowflake.

  2. Robin Mitchell

    Wuflu is much nicer. Flows better.

  3. Keith Perry

    Another NAZI Brown Shirt Libtard

  4. Douglas Lemal

    Chinazis virus

  5. Rick

    Professor Jacobs, you’re mentally sick…. GET HELP DUMBASS..!!

  6. Joe Debevec

    She is trying to sugar coat. It is the Chinese virus!!!

  7. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Professor Jacobs is living proof that an ignoramus can have a PhD degree. Any bets on where hers came from? I’d put my money on a Crackerjack box.

  8. John

    What a shame and waste of some Dad’s education dollars! The money would have been better spent on a Lamborghini for his girlfriend.

  9. William Delzell

    Just because China received the virus first is no reason to condemn them. They were also the first place to reverse the spread of the disease enough to reopen Wuhan. To call coronavirus the Chinese Disease is just as stupid as calling the 1918-1919 flu epidemic the Spanish flu. The only reason Spain got that stigma was that it was the first nation to accurately report on the causes and spread of the disease and on what doctors were doing to fight and overcome it. Since Spain was a neutral during the First World War when the epidemic started, they were exempt from the wartime censorship that prevented belligerents like France, Germany, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Austria-Hungary, etc. from reporting on it. Just because we all had to depend on Spain for the latest and most accurate news on this earlier epidemic, we unfairly accused Spain of causing and spreading the disease. Spain had very few cases compared to the belligerents.

    1. Roy

      You’re an idiot if you believe anything the communists of CHINA say…..
      And because it STARTED in CHINA rightly so it would be called the
      Must be of THE TIDEPOD eating generation….

  10. Dee

    It seems that in times past, we have called an illness what it was. Here we go:

    Spanish flu (1918–1920)

    Asian flu (1957–1958)

    Hong Kong flu (1968–1969)

    Chinese virus (2019-????)

    I suffered from German measles in grade school, my adult brother contracted Lyme’s disease, and so on. Are we going to outlaw the term yellow fever, black plague, red measles . . .

    Such a sad commentary that universities have a fluff position called diversity and inclusion.

  11. Brad B

    Is she going to file a complaint about CNN and the other mainstream media outlets that did the same?

    Interestingly, the Tennessee Star ALSO put out THIS article:

  12. Why liberal college Professors can’t get a real job.

    WOW!! When did the U.S. Supreme Court give a deadly Chinese Virus protection under the US Constitution. Anyone who encourages this type of reporting is a Biased.
    anti-america. We need to Social Distance our kids away from these stupid Liberials.

  13. Nikita Yakubovich

    University of Nevada can improve its finances by eliminating department of Diversity and Inclusion.

  14. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    I want to report the Hollywood movies ‘China Syndrome’ and ‘China Town ‘ as biased.

    1. William Finch

      Her we go…CHINESE VIRUS, CHINESE VIRUS, CHINESE VIRUS, CHINESE VIRUS….So now file all the Bias reports you want. They can have the BIAS cops contact me any time.
      THANK YOU!!!

      1. Laceylu

        Let me help. Wuhan Flu, Chinese Virus. If PC snowflakes do visit you, send them over to see me.
